Happy New Year! I hope that you all had a holiday that was rejuvenating, restful, and fun.
I like beginnings. The start of a new calendar year is a natural time to take stock of our lives and look forward with a keen eye to the year ahead. For me, as I look ahead to 2018, I am filled with optimism about the future of Gustavus, determined to move us forward in meaningful ways, and open to new ideas and fresh ways of thinking.
And so, with true Gustie spirit, here are my eight wishes for Gustavus in 2018:
May we always keep our focus on our students, supporting their wellbeing and fully equipping them for lives of leadership and service in society;
May we work together to achieve a high standard of excellence in all we do;
May we thrive as a community, always respecting and supporting one another;
May we embrace diversity and strive diligently for equity and inclusion;
May prospective students find Gustavus to be a welcoming place where they can learn, grow, and achieve their dreams;
May we enthusiastically begin construction on our long-awaited Nobel Hall expansion and renovation project;
May we collectively contribute to making the world a better place;
Above all, may we always be grateful for the many blessings in our lives.
Thank you in advance for all you will do for Gustavus in 2018. Let’s make it the best year ever!
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties!
With respect,