In a community-l message sent on December 11, 2017, I listed six strategies from the Gustavus Acts strategic plan that will be our special areas of focus for the next three years. With the wonderful news of significant new funding for the Center for Career Development that was announced at the end of November, the Cabinet has decided to add the combined Strategies 2.2 and 2.3 as a seventh area of institutional priority. Here is the new list (in numerical order):
Seven Gustavus Acts Strategies are Special Areas of Focus for the Next Three Years:
* 1.1/1.3 Create and maintain an inclusive & equitable campus; Identify, recruit, retain and support cohorts of historically underrepresented groups
* 1.2 Meet students’ demonstrated financial need
* 2.1 Design, implement, evaluate and maintain initiatives that further the curricular and co-curricular dimensions of the student experience
* 2.2/2.3 Integrate vocational exploration and career development and embed them into the four-year experience of every student; Expand the mentoring program
* 2.6 Maintain, renew, build, and develop attractive campus buildings
* 3.3/3.4 Recruit, retain, and support employees of the highest caliber; Ensure that the College’s organizational structure, policies, and procedures effectively facilitate the achievement of College priorities
* 3.5 Increase the engagement and giving of alumni and friends
We are now in the process of establishing Working Groups for each of these seven strategies. The members of the Cabinet are serving as leaders of the Working Groups, and each Working Group will be responsible for developing an action plan for their particular strategy. An early objective of the Working Groups is identification of “Key Performance Indicators” (KPIs) that will allow us to track progress and results over time.
I plan to address each of these key strategies in my “Monday Moments” message over the next seven weeks. I look forward to giving everyone in the community a brief summary of progress to date and forward-looking plans. These are exciting times at Gustavus — I am confident that we are focusing on the right areas at the right time for the our long-term success.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties!
With respect,