Today marks the start of Employee Enhancement Days. I hope that you will take advantage of the opportunity to learn, share, and engage in your own growth and wellbeing as a Gustavus employee. I believe in the power of continuous improvement as a key driver toward achieving and maintaining a high-performing organization. With over 30 hours of professional development sessions offered this week, I am confident that everyone can find a topic that fits with their individual development goals. Check out the link and sign up now!
Gustavus Acts Strategies 3.3 and 3.4 directly support your good work as members of the Gustavus community and affirm that our employees are our greatest asset: Recruit, Retain, and Support Employees of the Highest Caliber and Ensure that the College’s Organizational Structure, Policies, and Procedures Effectively Facilitate the Achievement of College Priorities.
In the Employee Satisfaction Survey administered last spring, your feedback indicated that professional development and compensation are especially important. The Working Group associated with Strategies 3.3 and 3.4 and the newly formed Employee Compensation Committee are hard at work to address these high-priority areas, and I am both impressed and excited by the ideas and action steps that they are generating. We plan to give you more details about this work at our upcoming All-Employee meeting on Thursday, February 15.
How can you support these strategies? I invite you to be an active participant in your employment by getting involved, by thoughtfully examining how your job responsibilities support the mission of the College, by promoting a mindset of continual improvement, and by bringing forward your best thinking on how we can best accomplish the goals related to Strategies 3.3 and 3.4.
I am reminded of a favorite quote of mine that is attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes: “A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension.” So, get busy — stretch your mind today.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties.
With respect,