Goal One of the Gustavus Acts Strategic Plan is straightforward: Diversify and Expand the Gustavus Community. Strategies 1.1 and 1.3 have been identified as key areas of focus for the next three years. As we work to Create and Maintain an Inclusive and Equitable Campus and Identify, Recruit, Retain, and Support Cohorts of Students Currently Underrepresented at the College, all of us are responsible for fostering an atmosphere of equity and inclusion.
Our goal is to add voices and perspectives to our campus and ensure that our community reflects the world that we all live in. To that end, we will continue the work of the President’s Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as we seek students, faculty, and staff from diverse identities and support everyone in teaching and learning.
How can you help? Commit to learning, seek understanding across differences, listen to the experiences of others, and share your story. Ask yourself what you can learn from those who are different from you while also exploring ways that we are all the same.
Gustavus has always been a welcoming community. As we move forward together and seek to build a just and peaceful world, let us recognize that it is the responsibility of each of us to commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties!
With respect for all,