Wednesday is the last day of classes for the 2017-18 academic year. How fast it all goes! I have come to appreciate the natural rhythm of the academic year. Each fall we look forward to saying hello to new and returning students and each spring we send them off for the summer or into the burgeoning ranks of our alumni. As a community, we all know this predictable rhythm, and we collectively march through the academic calendar and all the events associated with it. Superimposed on the annual rhythm is a longer arc of institutional progress. This includes all the multi-year projects and the strategic initiatives that are part of our work. Both of these rhythms play out on a daily basis, and both are critically important to our success.
As you look around, what do you notice that is part of our annual rhythm? Right now, the flower beds are being planted with a new color each day (thank you, Landscape Services team!). Students are enjoying time outdoors, lounging in hammocks, and playing volleyball, frisbee, or campus golf with tennis balls. Retirement parties and year-end events are happening on a daily basis. We all know and appreciate this annual rhythm. On the other hand, the long-term rhythms of the College are a little harder to notice, but if you pay attention, they do show up as milestones achieved and celebrations of forward progress. Throughout the past year, committees and working groups have delved into the priority initiatives associated with the Gustavus Acts Strategic Plan. Our community has been hard at work developing new ideas, plans, and ways to measure our progress, and, most importantly, taking action. Amazing innovations have been happening everywhere, and it is clear that we are gaining positive momentum through focus and persistence. As we prepare to catch our breath at the end of another busy year, let us pause to recognize all the progress we have made together.
Gustavus…everblooming, ever-changing, and everlasting.