Tomorrow is election day in the United States.
Free and fair elections are one of the cornerstones of a democracy, and American citizens once again have the opportunity to cast a vote that will guide the future of our local and national communities. By marking your ballot, you have made the decision to literally put your values into action.
This election season has been marked by significant tensions and divisive rhetoric. We will not all agree on the best solutions to the issues that are being debated by candidates seeking political office. As we move past this election, I hope that we can respectfully engage across our differences by practicing active listening, understanding, and empathy. This is a hallmark of a healthy community.
While all eyes are on civic engagement at the national, state, and local levels this week, the truth is that civic engagement is part of our everyday life at Gustavus. Our professors are teaching and modeling civil discourse in the classroom. Service learning is an important part of our curricular and co-curricular programs. Many of our alumni are engaging in the political process as candidates, staffers, and volunteers. As an institution committed to inclusion and welcoming diverse perspectives, we aim to inspire our students to address social and political challenges faced by people across the globe.
This week, whatever the outcome of the midterm elections, I trust that you will support our students and one another as we move forward together as a community.
I hope that all of you have taken time to learn about the issues and the candidates on the ballot in your district. Be sure to get out and vote.
With respect,