I hope you all had a fun, relaxing, and revitalizing Thanksgiving break. Besides cooking, eating, and various family activities, I had an opportunity to take several long walks on the wooded paths near my home in North Oaks. I am a nature enthusiast, and I especially enjoy those special moments when nature provides something memorable to see, hear, or experience. This weekend, the activity seemed to be all about birds – trumpeter swans, geese, and ducks were noisily flying overhead and hanging out in the remaining patches of open water on the lake and channel in front of our house. An unexpected, and almost humorous moment came near dusk on Friday evening. A long line of mallards walked down our driveway and across our front lawn. It was a duck parade! I stopped counting at 100 ducks, and I was thoroughly entertained by their deliberate procession as they waddled and quacked their way across our yard.
The beauty of nature and the splendor of God’s creation will be celebrated at this week’s Christmas in Christ Chapel services. The 2018 theme, “Visions of Divine Mystery,” tells the story of the birth of Christ as foretold by angels and prophets. The artistic backdrop of the chancel will be a visual representation of the aurora borealis, with a shimmering curtain of light behind the choirs, instrumentalists, and dancers. For those of you who have seen a vibrant display of the northern lights, you will undoubtedly agree it is a magical and mystical experience. I am anticipating a similar spiritual experience for all of the guests who will be on campus as well as all those who will watch the Christmas in Christ Chapel livestream on Saturday night.
Please join me in thanking all those who have been involved in planning and getting ready for this Gustavus showcase event, with special appreciation to those who will be on hand to help serve and guide all the attendees. Christmas in Christ Chapel truly takes a community effort, and I am grateful for the hundreds of students, faculty, and staff who contribute in innumerable ways and offer gracious hospitality so that this year’s event is a memorable one.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties.
With respect and anticipation,