Whew! Time really does seem to fly by. Suddenly, we are approaching the end of the fall semester and the beginning of our holiday break. I hope that you, like me, are looking forward to a few days of fun, family, and friends. Perhaps most importantly, I hope that you take the opportunity to step away from the “go, go, go” environment that tends to define our academic schedule and our collective work during the semester. A break gives us time to take a deep breath, rest, relax, and rejuvenate. In today’s on-the-go society, it seems like the idea of actually resting is almost counter-cultural. We tend to pack our days with activities and push ourselves to get things done. We make long “to-do” lists and can easily forget how important it is to give ourselves permission to slow down. While it may seem counter-intuitive, taking a true break from the everyday routines and stresses of work builds our capacity for energy, motivation, and productivity when we return.
The good news is that we each get to define what is relaxing and restful. Perhaps for you it means catching up on much-needed sleep, curling up with a good book, or putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Perhaps it means going on a long walk, getting together with friends, preparing and eating favorite meals, or tackling a big project around the house. Whatever it is, I encourage you to be intentional and purposeful about reserving time for activities (or non-activities) during your break that give you feelings of joy and renewal.
Thank you for the multitude of ways that you have contributed to another successful semester here at Gustavus. And a special thank you to those who will continue their important work over the next two weeks as we wrap up a great year on campus. I wish you and your families a happy holiday and many blessings in the New Year.
With respect,