Here we go! The 2018-2019 academic year is underway! With a week already under our belt, there is a notable sense of excitement and momentum on campus.
Each year, I spend move-in day in the residence halls, greeting students and parents, welcoming them to campus, and asking them why they chose Gustavus. Time and again, the answer that they give is simple: “We chose Gustavus because of the community.”
Even on move-in day, when futons are being hauled up humid flights of stairs, when emotions are high as students and their loved ones prepare to part, these families recognize that they chose Gustavus because of the people who make up this community. They chose Gustavus because of you.
At August’s all-employee meeting, I announced that our theme for this year is “Values in Action.” I hope that you will remember that the work you do every day with our students, and for our College, is grounded in the core values of Excellence, Community, Justice, Service, and Faith.
I saw our Values in Action on move-in day, when Campus Safety officers patiently conducted traffic, faculty and staff volunteered as part of the Move Crew, and our custodians and grounds crew made sure the campus was beautiful for our students and guests. I saw it over orientation weekend, when our student life staff worked long hours to make sure our first-year students were comfortable in their new home. I saw it during the first week of classes, when our professors warmly welcomed students and met them for advising appointments to ease those first-day jitters.
As we begin the year, ask yourself how you can act — in big ways and small — to guide and support our students. Remember each day that the actions we take speak volumes about the values that we hold.
Welcome back, Gusties. It’s going to be a great year.
With respect,