We are in the second full year of implementation of the Gustavus Acts Strategic Plan, and it is exciting to see the momentum building. We have established plans and Key Performance Indicators for our seven priority strategies, and these KPIs will help us stay the course. Cross-functional teams are hard at work on big goals that will benefit the entire institution. These teams are defining standards of excellence, getting baseline data, determining next steps, and maintaining a bias for action. I am proud of the progress we are making, and I am confident that our collective work will ensure long-term success for Gustavus. Thank you to everyone who has been involved in both large and small ways. Every contribution matters, and they all add up.
Have you noticed progress? It is all around us and happening on many fronts. Here are a few notables since June 1:
- The Nobel Hall expansion and renovation project superstructure is in place, and the building will be fully enclosed by December 1.
- 45 students conducted research during the summer of 2018 in collaboration with Gustavus faculty.
- We added an accessible restroom on the main level of Christ Chapel.
- New scholarship funds were a positive factor in recruiting our large, academically strong, and diverse first-year class.
- The first-floor lounges in Norelius Hall were remodeled, with new furniture and a fun atmosphere for first-year students.
- New synthetic turf was installed on the football field.
- Faculty are working on all the details associated with the new general education curriculum (the Challenge Curriculum), which will be implemented in Fall 2020.
- The Health and Exercise Science faculty is developing a curriculum for a proposed Master in Athletic Training Program.
- The Center for Career Development has introduced new technology platforms to assist students in their career exploration and search.
- Phase II of the campus waste stream container upgrade placed new bins for waste, recycling, and GustieWare in four additional residence halls and the Johnson Student Union.
The list could go on and on. Our community is diligently working every day to create an even better Gustavus. I applaud you!
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties!
With respect,