Nobel Conference 54 starts tomorrow, and this year’s topic is Living Soil: A Universe Underfoot. We are excited to welcome an impressive lineup of expert speakers for the Conference to explore the topic of healthy soil and how vital that is for a healthy planet.
My parents both grew up on farms in eastern Pennsylvania, and I have many wonderful childhood memories of “helping” on my grandparents’ farms. From planting beans to picking strawberries to husking sweet corn, I remember the rhythms of farm life revolving around the daily chores associated with planting, growing, and harvesting of crops. Working and taking care of the soil is a key factor in any farmer’s success. This year’s Nobel Conference will explore the importance and challenges of maintaining healthy soil. As a lifelong learner, one of my great joys comes when I can see the connections between my personal experiences and the global issues that affect us all.
If you have the opportunity to do so, please plan to attend or tune into the livestream broadcast of the Conference lectures and discussion sessions. I know it will be a fascinating conversation and rich learning experience. As in previous years, we will have many guests on our campus who are attending the Conference, so let’s all be good hosts to our visitors and showcase our hospitality.
Following the Nobel Conference, our Board of Trustees will be meeting on Thursday and Friday. They will be hearing updates and discussing various aspects of the Gustavus Acts Strategic Plan, including progress on the Nobel Hall of Science expansion and renovation project, our new general education curriculum, and updates on admission, retention, budgets, marketing, and fundraising. Please greet our Trustees when you see them and thank them for their leadership on behalf of our institution.
Then, this weekend we celebrate Homecoming on campus. More on that next Monday!
It’s a busy time of year, Gusties. I appreciate all that you do for our students and for our community.
With respect,