Do your best. This is excellence in action. Every day is a new opportunity to remind ourselves and our students that doing our best is an important life skill. This does not mean we need to be absolutely perfect in every way, but simply that we put forward our best effort.
Stay positive. A positive attitude can make such a difference. Fight the tendency to focus on the negative. Put a smile on your face and be a beacon of positivity.
Make good choices. Life is all about choices, big and small. Be cognizant of all the small choices you make each day, knowing that they will add up to a productive and positive week.
Enjoy yourself! The weeks ahead can bring with them a “to-do” list that, at times, may seems overwhelming. It is okay to have some fun in the process and help each other be cheerful and upbeat. And throughout it all, be sure to stay balanced between work and the rest of your personal life.
This week, I encourage you to be mindful that these goals that we hope that our students embrace are the same ones that will help each of us and our entire community finish strong in this 2018-19 academic year. Let’s get busy…the finish line is not far away and there are many important objectives in front of us to complete.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties.
With respect,