After a productive January Interim Experience, we are preparing to turn our attention to the spring semester. This week, our Gustavus Symphony Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble will conclude their tour to Malaysia and Singapore, the Gustavus Choir is performing throughout the Midwest, and students and faculty are returning to campus from around the globe or taking a short break after a busy month of learning on campus.
This week is also Employee Enhancement Days, which supports the Gustavus Acts Strategic Plan’s call for us to recruit, retain, and support employees of the highest caliber. I encourage you to explore and attend the many sessions offered thanks to the good work of our Human Resources office.
From sessions about how technology and data can streamline our work to an informational guide to how enrollment and advancement collaborate with other campus partners, I am pleased with the breadth of offerings available. As our community continues to focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion and supporting our faculty and staff, I would like to draw special attention to Siri Erickson’s session on religious diversity and inclusion, Anthony Bettendorf’s session on understanding your own identities, Kathi Tunheim’s session on employee recognition, and Erin Kuiper’s “Lead From Where You Are.”
As we prepare for a busy spring, I hope you choose to take some time this week to focus on yourself and your professional growth. Each of us, in our own way, contributes to the support of our students and the overall success of the College.
This week, reflect on your path to this point and how you might learn and grow moving forward. Take advantage of Employee Enhancement Days to explore a new skill, think critically about inclusivity and what it means to be a leader, and collaborate with your colleagues from across campus as we all work to move forward together.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties!
With respect,
PS — Remember, if you attend five sessions throughout the week, you will be entered into a drawing for a $100 gift card to the Book Mark!