I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break and successfully carved out some time for rest and renewal. Many thanks to those who helped with snow removal on campus and all others who had duties on campus over the holiday weekend.
Many of you know that I am a lover of nature. This weekend, in the midst of cooking, unpacking holiday decorations, helping to shovel snow, and working on a few handmade Christmas gifts, I was often distracted by the beauty of nature around our home. The snow perfectly covered all the tree branches, and the pine trees had that exquisite covering of white on green. The small lake beyond our front yard is not yet fully frozen, and we watched and listened to trumpeter swans, geese, and ducks, all of whom were still hanging around in spite of the wintery weather. This year, we have had the special treat of a pair of bald eagles who chose to build their nest in our tallest oak tree overlooking the lake. They are still here, too, and we have greatly enjoyed the company of these majestic birds. The smaller birds seemed especially busy at the birdfeeder, and all the squirrels in the neighborhood were keeping an eye on the snow-covered ground for stray seeds that fell from the feeder. Meanwhile, we also spotted a big pileated woodpecker that was investigating something interesting to eat in a fallen log. And, I must not fail to mention the steady stream of deer and wild turkeys that strolled through the yard each day.
Beauty is everywhere around us — in nature, in city landscapes, in people, in words, in music, in a simple gesture, or in a smile. When you slow down, get out of autopilot mode, and pay attention to the little details, you will see more of what is beautiful in the world. Particularly when life is busy and stressful, noticing beauty can bring a sense of peace and tranquility.
Suddenly, it is December. The calendar is full of special events and activities as we head into the last three weeks of the semester, not to mention the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that many of us are experiencing. In the midst of all this busyness, remember to stay alert for moments of beauty in each day. When you notice them, pause and smile, and then carry on.
Until next week, keep up the good work, Gusties!
With respect,