As you read this message, I am arriving in Stockholm, Sweden, to represent Gustavus at the annual Nobel Prize banquet. As I traveled from campus to the airport and during the long flight across the Atlantic, I reflected on the many gifts bestowed upon us as members of the Gustavus community.
This weekend, over 5,000 people attended our annual Christmas in Christ Chapel worship services and shared in a message of hope, inclusiveness, and love. I would like to offer a special thanks to the talented students who made the worship services come to life through readings, dance, and song, and the planning team who thoughtfully crafted this year’s program. Thank you to all who made campus a warm and welcoming place for our guests: custodians and physical plant staff, Dining Service, Campus Safety, and everyone who pitched in. Thank you to our conductors and chaplains, who shape the powerful experience of Christmas in Christ Chapel for all who attend or watch online.
The gifts of our community continue this week with tomorrow’s Winds of Christmas concert in Christ Chapel. I hope you can take a few moments from your day to attend at 10 a.m. or tune in as we livestream this fun and festive holiday tradition. On Thursday, we host the annual Festival of St. Lucia, where six sophomores who represent the values of courageous leadership, strength of character, service to others, and compassion will be celebrated in Christ Chapel.
The holiday season is a time of celebration and community, a time to share in cherished traditions like Christmas in Christ Chapel, Winds of Christmas, and St. Lucia. As I think about these traditions and the emotions that swelled throughout Christ Chapel this weekend, I keep coming back to the word “Love.”
Recent graduate Charlie Barnhouse ’19 arranged a song named “Love Has Come” that was performed this weekend, and the words will stick with me as we begin this season of sharing and gratitude. “Love has come and never will leave us! Love is life everlasting and free.”
During this special time of the year, commit to sharing the gifts of the season with those you hold close, to loving your neighbor, and to reflecting on the traditions in which you find meaning and hope.
Thank you, everyone, for all your good work.
With respect,